
Showing posts from May, 2023


  1  one  (uán) 2  two  (chú) 3  three  (zrii) 4  four  (fooar) 5  five  (faiv) 6  six  (six) 7  seven  (seven) 8  eight  (éit) 9  nine  (náin) 10  ten  (ten) 11  eleven  (ileven) 12  twelve  (tuelv) 13  thirteen  (zertín) 14  fourteen  (fortín) 15  fifteen  (fiftiin) 16  sixteen  (sixtiin) 17  seventeen  (sevntiin) 18  eighteen  (eitiin) 19  nineteen  (náintiin) 20  twenty  (tuenti)

Months of the Year

  Enero – January (Yenuari) Febrero – February (Februari) Marzo – March (March) Abril – April (Eipril) Mayo – May (Mei) Junio – June (Yun) Julio – July (Yulai) Agosto – August (Ogost) Septiembre – September (September) Octubre – Octuber (October) Noviembre – November (November) Diciembre – December (Dicember)

Body parts in English

Inglés        Español Head          Cabeza Chest          Pecho Arm            Brazo/brazos Leg              Pierna/piernas Foot            Pie Ear              Oreja/orejas (Oído/oídos) Eye              Ojo/ojos Mouth        Boca Nose           Nariz Eyelash      Pestaña/pestañas Eyebrow    Ceja/cejas Cheek         Cachete/cachetes Forehead   Frente Nail/nails  Uña/uñas Knuckles    Nudillos Chin           Quijada Hair           Pelo Elbow        Codo/codos Wrist         Muñeca/muñecas Ankle        Tobillo/tobillos Thumb finger   Pulgar Pointer finger   Índice Middle finger   Dedo medio Ring finger       Anular

I don't want to miss a thing - Aerosmith

  I  could stay awake just to hear you breathing Watch you smile while you are sleeping While you're far away and dreaming I could spend my life in this sweet surrender I could stay lost in this moment forever Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure Don't want to close my eyes I don't want to fall asleep 'Cause I'd miss you baby And I don't want to miss a thing 'Cause even when I dream of you The sweetest dream will never do I'd still miss you baby And I don't want to miss a thing Lying close to you, feeling your heart beating And I'm wondering what you're dreaming Wondering if it's me you're seeing Then I kiss your eyes And thank God we're together And I just want to stay with you in this moment forever Forever and ever I don't want to close my eyes I don't want to fall asleep 'Cause I'd miss you baby And I don't want to miss a thing 'Cause even when I dream of you The sweetest dream will never

Song about family

Song about family

8 Tips to improve your English pronunciation

  1- Separate words into syllables In American schools, when a word looks too complicated, students are taught to read letter by letter and to "sound out words". For example: The word "Chameleon" (chameleon) CHA - ME - LE - ON Cha → pronounced KA Me → pronounced MI Le → pronounced LI On → pronounced ON This English pronunciation strategy is most effective with more complicated words such as, Perpendicular, Astronaut and Independence. Separate the syllables, and pronounce each group or letter little by little until you can say it effectively. 2- Don't be afraid to speak The only way to improve your English pronunciation is by speaking, that means you have to get used to speaking out loud. So it's time to put that fear aside and speak without fear of making mistakes. We all pronounce some words incorrectly at first. You can only get better with practice. 3- Watch videos  Watching videos is a fun way to learn without feeling like you're putting in hours of

autonomous learning strategies

  1. Introduction The general purpose of the guide is explained and -if necessary- some general considerations are made for a better understanding of the contents to be studied. 2. Bibliography All contents to be studied independently must be referred to a basic and a complementary bibliography. In other words, to compilations of readings or selected materials, to work the different contents of the course. 3. Objectives The study guide should clearly specify the objectives to be achieved. They should be written using operative verbs, such as: "compare", "describe", "summarize", "draw". 4. Learning activities The guide includes activities or tasks for the student to work and act on the contents, with the purpose of developing the capacities and competencies proposed in the course. 5. Self-assessment Refers to a series of self-assessment exercises to be carried out by the student to verify the understanding and learning of the subject. It can be pr



what are the functions of the gpt3 chat?

Answer questions about a particular topic. Write jokes and poems. Write detailed articles with a certain number of words. Describe characters or historical facts. Generate titles for a blog. Find questions related to a topic. Write descriptions for an online store. Create scripts for videos. Work on an SEO strategy, from finding keywords to auditing published content. Designing a theme or outline for a blog text. Write CSS code snippets. Create trivia or polls. Provide the basics to work on a SEO strategy. Work on a copy for a publication in social networks. Generate hashtags for your content.

Tips for learning a new language

Tips for learning a new language 1. Lose your fear of public speaking. Before putting any other advice into practice, start by getting rid of the embarrassment. It doesn't matter if you make mistakes when you try, it's a new learning experience you are acquiring and it's normal not to know everything. 2. You must be constant A good way to stay motivated about your learning process is to remind yourself of the goals you have in mind, and the reason why you decided to start learning this new language in the first place. By constantly reminding yourself of this, you will surely find all the reasons to keep going and zero excuses to abandon your process. 3. Look for resources that are in the language you are learning. One of the easiest ways we have to learn a language is to consume products that are in the language we want to master. Whether it is music, books, movies, series, podcasts or magazine articles, look for your favorite materials in the new language and you will see

The difference between regular and irregular verbs

T he past tense of regular verbs is formed by adding the ending -ed to the end of the verb. Ask → I asked (simple past tense) → I had asked (pluperfect past tense) The past tense of irregular verbs has no rules. You have to learn the three forms of the verb - infinitive, past and past participle . drive (infinitive) → drove (past) → driven (past participle). Irregular verbs and their past forms are usually described in tables for better understanding. In the first column we put the verb in the infinitive (i.e. in its basic form), in the second column we find the past form and in the third column the past participle , which is used for example in the past perfect. For beginners, it will be better to work with basic irregular verbs such as ser, estar, hacer, comer, beber, escribir, etc. Then they can continue to add other verbs little by little each week. Don't be scared, it's not as complicated as it seems.

November Rain

When I look into your eyes I can see a love restrained But darling when I hold you Don't you know I feel the same? Because nothing lasts forever And we both know hearts can change And it's hard to hold a candle In the cold November rain We've been through this such a long long time Just trying to kill the pain But lovers always come and lovers always go And no one's really sure who's letting go today Walking away If we could take the time To lay it on the line I could rest my head Just knowing that you were mine All mine So if you want to love me Then darling don't refrain Or I'll just end up walking In the cold November rain Do you need some time on your own? Do you need some time all alone? Everybody needs some time on their own Don't you know you need some time all alone? I know it's hard to keep an open heart When even friends seem out to harm you But if you could heal a broken heart Wouldn't time be out to charm you? Sometimes I need some ti

The Itsy Bitsy Spider - song
