autonomous learning strategies
1. Introduction
The general purpose of the guide is explained and -if necessary- some general considerations are made for a better understanding of the contents to be studied.
2. Bibliography
All contents to be studied independently must be referred to a basic and a complementary bibliography. In other words, to compilations of readings or selected materials, to work the different contents of the course.
3. Objectives
The study guide should clearly specify the objectives to be achieved. They should be written using operative verbs, such as: "compare", "describe", "summarize", "draw".
4. Learning activities
The guide includes activities or tasks for the student to work and act on the contents, with the purpose of developing the capacities and competencies proposed in the course.
5. Self-assessment
Refers to a series of self-assessment exercises to be carried out by the student to verify the understanding and learning of the subject. It can be presented, for example, in the form of a questionnaire, exercise or problem.
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